Akrolesta - Artist Tatiana Sokolova

Washington show (The concept of the exhibition. Public art. Pop Art.)

Dedication Otto Piene

Location: National Mall* in Washington D.C. (USA)

In the National Mall in Washington D.C. (USA) there are huge inflatable sculptures.
Sculptures are made of transparent polyethylene pipes. Sculptures are identical to figures from colored balls (dogs, mice, flowers), which are usually made on holidays for children from long balloons, twisting them in a special way.
The sculpture is fed with colored smoke at a temperature higher than the ambient temperature.
Thus, wind moves the sculptures and they become alive. Smoke inside the pipes turn sculptures into ghosts.
It"s beautiful and magical, like the Sky art of Otto Pine.

* The National Mall is a landscaped park within the National Mall and Memorial Parks, an official unit of the United States National Park System. It is located near the downtown area of Washington, D.C., the capital city of the United States.