Pink glasses
Canvas, oil, 20x30cm. 2020
People who do not want to see reality close their eyes and put on rose-colored glasses. Very often, hiding from the truth and reality, they sow darkness, attract evil, are cruel and deceitful to other people. Rose-colored glasses are just self-deception. And deception always creates evil.
Personal exhibition "Retrospective. Favorites." 2021. Lithuania. EU.
Fashion for pink glasses and positive. Med2000. June 2020. (Illustration)
Glasses and blinders. Gabr. April, 2021 (Illustration)
"Ретроспектива. Избранное"... DELFI, 21 октября 2021 г.
Akrolestos retrospektyva. Ukmergės renginių anonsai. 23 October 2021 г.
Искусство - свобода слова. LRT. Интервью и обзор выставки. 27.11.2021
500 EUR