Portrait of Marcel Duchamp
Oil, canvas 40x40. 2017-2018
Marcel Duchamp was the godfather of virtually all the significant artists of
the 20th century.
His artistic provocations, including the sculpture "Fountain", gave art a new
meaning and created the opportunity for new styles.
Duchamp wanted art to serve reason, not "retina." He questioned the very concept
of art and the adoration of art.
"Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp (28 July 1887 – 2 October 1968) was a
French-American painter, sculptor, chess player and writer whose work is
associated with Cubism, conceptual art. Duchamp is commonly regarded, along with
Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, as one of the three artists who helped to
define the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades
of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in painting
and sculpture. Duchamp has had an immense impact on twentieth-century and twenty
first-century art; and he had a seminal influence on the development of
conceptual art. By World War I, he had rejected the work of many of his fellow
artists (like Henri Matisse) as "retinal" art, intended only to please the eye.
Instead, Duchamp wanted to use art to serve the mind.
Readymades of Marcel Duchamp
"Readymades" were found objects which Duchamp chose and presented as art. In
1913, Duchamp installed a Bicycle Wheel in his studio. However, the idea of
Readymades did not fully develop until 1915. The idea was to question the very
notion of Art, and the adoration of art, which Duchamp found "unnecessary".
My idea was to choose an object that would not attract me, either by its
beauty or by its ugliness. To find a point of indifference in my looking at it,
you see.
His Fountain, a urinal signed with the pseudonym "R. Mutt", shocked the art
world in 1917. Fountain was selected in 2004 as "the most influential artwork of
the 20th century" by 500 renowned artists and historians.
Personal exhibition "JazzArt". 2018. Lithuania. EU.
Personal exhibition "Retrospective. Favorites." 2021. Lithuania. EU.
In search of meaning. Above Art Magazine. 16 Jan 2019 (Illustration)
The history of art in Akrolesta’s paintings. Homsk media. 17 April 2019.
JazzArt - improvisations on the themes of the great painters. Discours magazine.
23 April 2019 (Illustration)
The history of art in Akrolesta’s paintings. Miscellany Artifex. 24 April 2019
From the history of painting. Culture and art. 10 July 2019 (Illustration)
Interview with Akrolesta. In search of meaning. Medium. 23 august 2019.
Art Stories from Akrolesta. Syg.ma. 7 September 2019 (Illustration)
Parodoje „Retrospektyva. Mėgstamiausi“ pristatomi Akrolestos darbai. Vilkmerge.
Russian expatriate opens exhibition in Ukmerge. DELFI, October 18, 2021
"Ретроспектива. Избранное"... DELFI, 21 октября 2021 г.
Akrolestos retrospektyva. Ukmergės renginių anonsai. 23 October 2021 г.
Искусство - свобода слова. LRT. Интервью и обзор выставки. 27.11.2021 (TV)
800 EUR