Gouache on paper. 40x30cm. 2017
Ironic improvisation on the subject of still lifes and cats - the attributes of kitsch.
Rusų pora Maskvą iškeitė į Ukmergę: kol valdžia nepasikeis, negrįšime. 15min.lt.
Lithuania 20 april 2017. (Illustration)
Ironical paintings by Tatiana Sokolova. Zentribe.ru Russia 26.01.2018.
Ironical paintings by Tatiana Sokolova. Gudelnews. Bulgaria 03.2018,
Mirror of the world. Culture and art. 01 June 2019 (Illustration)
Reflections of the artist. Homsk media. 29 June 2019 (Illustration)
Akrolesta’s feminism. Sig.ma. 04 July 2019 (Illustration)
Reflections of the world. Syg.ma. 28 July 2019 (Illustration)
Feminism on canvas. Homsk media. 21 August 2019 (Illustration)
Art for the mind. Discours magazine. 08 January 2020 (Illustration)