Spirit of cosiness
Canvas, acrylicic, 40x40cm. 2017-2018
Cat, as a symbol of home comfort. The spirit of comfort.
Personal exhibition Woman's
World. Lithuania. EU. 2021
The world of woman in the paintings of Akrolesta. Cosmo Lady Magazine. March
2019. pp 108-109. (Illustration)
Mirror of the world. Culture and art. 01 June 2019 (Illustration)
Reflections of the artist. Homsk media. 29 June 2019 (Illustration)
Akrolesta’s feminism. Sig.ma. 04 July 2019 (Illustration)
Reflections of the world. Syg.ma. 28 July 2019 (Illustration)
Feminism on canvas. Homsk media. 21 August 2019 (Illustration)
Easy genre. Syg.ma. 1 Oktober 2019. (Illustration)
Из цикла "Выжившие". DELFI, 15 сентября 2021 г. (Video)
От большого баскетбола к малому бизнесу... DELFI, 15 сентября 2021 г.
400 EUR