Akrolesta - Artist Tatiana Sokolova

Social network

social network

Canvas, oil, 30x20cm. 2020

Social networks are a means of communication or a means of total control and propaganda. It's a way to peep through the keyhole at someone else's life, or a way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. This is the abode of narcissism, exhibitionism and voyeurism, or a remedy for depression and loneliness, or an opportunity to find like-minded people. It's up to us to decide. Or they will decide for us.

Personal exhibition "Retrospective. Favorites." 2021. Lithuania. EU.

"Ретроспектива. Избранное"... DELFI, 21 октября 2021 г.
Akrolestos retrospektyva. Ukmergės renginių anonsai. 23 October 2021 г.
Искусство - свобода слова. LRT. Интервью и обзор выставки. 27.11.2021


500 EUR